The consequences of Brexit with regard to the marking of construction products

Brexit consequences for the labeling of building products in accordance with article 2 no. 1 of the European Building Product Regulation (EU-CPR);
status 26.01.2021

Great Britain already left the EU on 01.02.2020 with the transition period ending on 31.12.2020. The British market consists of England, Wales and Schottland, not however Northern Ireland. We will explain below which changes regarding the labeling of building products manufacturers face since 01.01.2021.

Great Britain already left the EU on 01.02.2020 with the transition period ending on 31.12.2020. The British market consists of England, Wales and Schottland, not however Northern Ireland.
<< Here >> we will explain the changes regarding the labeling of building products manufacturers face since 01.01.2021.