Brexit consequences for the labeling of building products in accordance with article 2 no. 1 of the European Building Product Regulation (EU-CPR);…

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Consequences of Brexit for the labelling of construction products in accordance with Article 2 No. 1 of the European Construction Products Regulation…

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CE marking as the basis for UKCA marking

The guidance for UKCA labels has been updated.

The information is available at the following link: Const…

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Recognition of our cooperations partner BBA as UKTA issuing body

For suppliers who are currently marketing their products in Great Britain (England,…

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here: current measures regarding the regulation for the protection against infection with the Corona virus SARS-CoV-2 dated 24.11.2021 and the Law…

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Brexit consequences for the labeling of building products in accordance with article 2 no. 1 of the European Building Product Regulation (EU-CPR);

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Consequences of Brexit for the labeling of construction products in accordance with Article 2 No. 1 of the European Construction Products Regulation…

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Brexit consequences for the labeling of building products in accordance with article 2 no. 1 of the European Building Product Regulation (EU-CPR);

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Brexit consequences for the labeling of building products in accordance with article 2 no. 1 of the European Building Product Regulation (EU-CPR);

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Customer information regarding the decision-making rule

MPA NRW would like to inform its clients that in accordance with the „General requirements…

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MPA NRW has now also been accredited by the „Deutsche Akkreditierungsstelle DAkkS“ as a type A inspection body in accordance with the international…

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SARS-Coronavirus / MPA NRW Prevention Measures

Dear Customer

The coronavirus „SARS-CoV-2“ and the disease „Covid-19“ released by it have already…

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Wirtschaftsminister Prof. Dr. Andreas Pinkwart zu Gast beim Materialprüfungsamt NRW (MPA NRW)
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Personal dosimetry is one of three task fields within the competence centre Radiation Protection of the MPA NRW. It conducts measurements according to…
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Today’s ground breaking ceremony for the extension of a building of the Fire Testing Centre in Erwitte is an important milestone for the future of the…
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MPA NRW – Forum “Hardness 2015” on 25 and 26 February
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The MPA NRW offers training courses for European harmonised fire test procedures on behalf of the European Group of Organisations for Fire Testing,…
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The MPA NRW offers training courses for European harmonised fire test procedures on behalf of the European Group of Organisations for Fire Testing,…
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The customer magazine of the MPA NRW
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From 11 till 13 June 2013 the Materials Testing Office North Rhine-Westphalia presented itself at the trade fair “Building Test Expo” in Cologne, an…
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From 11 till 13 June 2013 the Materials Testing Office North Rhine-Westphalia presented itself at the trade fair “Building Test Expo” in Cologne, an…
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The testing laboratory for thermal insulation and moisture protection has now also been acknowledged as a “registered laboratory” for domestic…
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The MPA NRW - Department "Test and calibration of testing machines, hardness standard" is exhibitor on the 1st "Schwerter Qualitaetstage" taking place…
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Manufacturers of sanitary fittings can now advertise their resource-conserving products with two labels. The so-called WELL-Label confirms a low water…
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With a new test device for doors, gates and accessories the MPA NRW can now also test electronically locked touchbars (EVP). These escape doors save…
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After years of consultations the Building Products Act has entered into force as from 24 April 2011. It substitutes the Building Products Guideline…
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Information and services for radiation protection in the MPA NRW
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An MPA NRW forum „Hardness“ will also take place this year from 11 – 12 May
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The state secretary Dr. Guenther Horzetzky from the Ministry for Economy, Energy, Building, Housing and Transport of the Land North Rhine-Westphalia…
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At the beginning of October Europe’s chief fire protection experts, organised in the EGOLF association met at the MPA NRW for their annual meeting.
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The equipment of the MPA NRW maintains a high level: The new appliance in the laboratory for inorganic analytics is a gas chromatograph with mass…
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In the future the MPA NRW can conduct functional tests and smoke protection tests on fire doors and smoke control doors on a new test stand.
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In the sphere of heat insulation and damp proofing the test stand for high temperature tests on pipelines will be taken into operation in 2011. It…
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